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Personal and Collective Reconciliation: Professor Bronwyn Fredericks
RUN Conference - Prof Bronwyn Fredericks
In-Conversation with author Dr Debbie Bargallie (she/her) and Professor Bronwyn Fredericks (she/her)
NAIDOC Winner 2022: Professor Bronwyn Fredericks | Education Award | NITV
25th National VET Research Conference, Address by Professor Bronwyn Fredericks
2019 Elkington Oration - Professor Bronwyn Fredericks: Transformation & change in Indigenous health
Tokenist, ally or accomplice? National Reconciliation Week at UTS 2024
NAIDOC Week 2018 at The University of Queensland
Panel: Indigenous Australian Perspectives Anita Heiss, Bronwyn Fredericks Moderator: Kieran Dolin
Youth Yarning
Indigenous health: who is it really for and who benefits?
#VoiceForHealth Webinar – 9 October 2023